Sunday, June 8, 2008

High Sexpectations...???

Its often said that a good sexual chemistry is necessary for a successful marital life. If you are good in bed, you are a great spouse. If you are bad in bed your marriage is doomed to fail, sooner or later. But one thing that people usually rule out, is the possibility of a couple having a strong emotional bond while unable to maintaining an equally strong sexual one.
According a study, a man thinks sexually after every 7 seconds and a woman after every 11. But as the traditions says since sex and romantic emotions are inter twined with each other, we should also be thinking of our spouse after few seconds (or to be more precise, whenever we think sexually). But we all know, that rarely is the case. When its possible to have one night stand, just to satisfy the desires of the body and not get emotionally it really impossible the other way around, to have an emotional connection to satisfy the desires of heart, without the occasional physical connection.
So, why does it seems so difficult to imagine a couple (by which I don't only mean a married ones) sharing a NON-sexual relationship, where they understand each other to such a level that can only be described as, "Two bodies and One soul.".
When it comes to romantic relationships and matters of hearts, one couldn't help but wonder:
Is an emotional rapport really slave to sexual outcomes...???

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